Close Twitter Followers as Clients on LinkedIn

In this cold outreach sequence, we'll show you how to close Twitter followers as your clients on LinkedIn
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Let's break down this sequence

Who is it for?

This is for agency owners who are looking to "hijack other influencer's" audience.

When to use this?

To do this effectively, you need to:

  • Find influencers or competitive companeis in your niche on Twitter
  • Scrape the people who engaged with their most recent viral posts
  • And reach out to them with this template on LinkedIn

We created a full workflow automation on how to do all of this.

You can check it here.

Connection Request

Hey {first_name}!

I Saw you liked {person}’s tweet about {topic}.

I found it extremely valuable!

Let’s connect.

Message #1 (if connection requested accepted) - 1 day after

Hey {first_name},

What did you think of {person}'s tweet?

I personally found it insightful.

Btw - I've got some ideas that can help you solve {customers' problem related to the person' tweet the prospect engaged with}

Can I send you over a quick 2-minute video showing them?

Message #2 - 3 days later

Hey {first_name}

In case you ever need help solving {problem}, here's the video I promised you: {video URL}

Let me know if you need my help executing these

Message #3 - 7 days later

Hi {first_Name},

Did you get a chance to go through the video?

We help companies {your offer}.

We did that already for {companies you worked with similar to the prospect}

We have one more spot left for a new client in {next calendar month}.

Let me know if you're interested to explore this opportunity over a quick 15-minute call. There's nothing to lose.



Why this sequence works?

This sequence is great because:

  • It's happening in real-time and it's relevant - but it's important to scrape people who engaged with some fresh posts that are published same day or maximum 1-2 days ago.
  • It's personalized and offers value straight away
  • You don't ask for anything until the last message

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