Reaching out to people from a specific LinkedIn group

This emails is perfect when you have a huge pool of ideal customers in LinkedIn groups
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Let's break down this sequence

Who is it for?

For founders, entrepreneurs, sales reps and Lead Gen Agencies who need to close deals with a specific vertical or B2B professionals.

When to use this?

Find relevant LinekdIn groups where your ideal customers hang out. If you think the group has high-quality people inside, don't hesitate to reach out. Avoid LinekdIn groups that are full of irrelevant people and spammy.

Connection request (if not connected)

Hey {first_name},

Came across your profile from {linkedin_group}.

I help CEOs supercharge outreach to the point they consistently get up to 72% reply rate.

Would it make sense to send over a personalized 3-minute Loom for what this could look like for {company_name}?

Follow-up message #1 (if connected)

Glad to connect, {first_name}.

Here’s the Loom video: [URL]

If this is something you’re focusing on at the moment at {company_name}, I have a few more ideas you could implement in your outreach today.

How does a call next week, any time Monday to Wednesday sound?

Follow-up message #2 (if no reply)

Hey {first_name},

Did you have a chance to go over the video? Let me know if you have any questions.

Email #1 (if no reply on LinkedIn)

Hey {first_name},

Got a notification you saw the video so I wanted to follow up on this.

We recently helped Salescout (agency similar to yours) book 6 new demons and $250k in their pipeline in just 3 weeks using an omnichannel outreach campaign.

Can’t promise similar results. But if you’re open to it, we can discuss a potential strategy on a no-strings-attached 10-minute call for {company_name}.

Why this sequence works?

This sequence works for a few reasons:

  1. Connection request is personalized AND relevant - since the prospects are hanging out in the spacific groups and hence we're sharing the same interests
  2. We use the social proof and a case study right at the beginning and at the end
  3. We offer help, we're not selling anything
  4. The prospect has nothing to loose if he replies with "yes" for a video. He can only gain valuable info.
  5. Video helps us build better bond with our prospects
  6. This sequence uses omni-channel sequence - we're first contacting people on LinkedIn, then if it doesn't work, we're reaching out to them on email.

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